Midwest Home Desing Awards
Tonight, Midwest Home is hosting its inaugural Midwest Home Design Award gala. We are very excited as we know that at least two of the projects/homes that we entered for peer review have placed, either first, second, or third.
Let’s take a look at some of the entries.
Living Rooms
Our favorite is the living room entries for the Midwest Home Design Awards.
Living rooms are the epitome of comfort, gathering, relaxing, and the central part of our homes. These spaces become the centrifugal force behind much of the home’s design and overall aesthetics.
Here we see three examples of timeless and traditional. Overall, tones and feelings come from various elements. From classic white and bold lines to earthy colors from the stone and beams to expansive lake views that envelope the room. All are unique in their own right—all custom designed to meet each homeowner’s desires.
Specialty Spaces
From Craft Room to Home Office to Bar, these entries in the Midwest Home Design Awards have garnered lots of attention this year.
The way we live has certainly changed over the last couple of years. More than perhaps ever before, we are finding better ways to make use of our homes. Whether it be the home office or the game room, there is a strong desire to make the most of the space within our home.
Here, we see three examples of this. These custom spaces often become the pride and joy of the homeowner.
Condos and Lofts
These last couple of spaces are great examples of the breadth and scope of the work we do.
The condo is fresh, vibrant, and exciting. The loft is a place for the kiddos to escape to with ample room to play, stretch out, and let imagination take over.
We will let you know how we did!
In a few short hours of writing this post, we will know the results of the Midwest Home Design Awards. Be sure not to miss the results, sign up for our monthly newsletter!
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