Custom Home Build | Lake Minnetonka Home Aspirations

Sep 7, 2021  |   Sherrick

Custom Home Build by Stonewood, LLC

Building the Perfect Home

We know it is time to welcome Fall. The kiddos are heading back to school, the air is turning and little crisper and the leaves have begun to take on their autumnal colors. It is a great time of year, for sure. It is also a time of year that many of us look back at the passing of another Summer and think about the details that comprise our dream home.

Perhaps it is a holistic change of aesthetics – contemporary to traditional for example. Maybe it is more space – a bigger kitchen, more bedrooms, more room for entertaining. Regardless, now is the perfect time to sit down with Stonewood and discuss your plans and wishes for your next custom home.  

The Essentials

Custom Home Build

A true custom home build is far and away from making simple selections from a predetermined palette. Such as nickel, polished or brushed, knobs and pulls for the kitchen cabinetry. 

A custom home build is a cohesive amalgam of your style, aesthetics you appreciate, design the makes sense with your lifestyle, function that incorporates modern technologies, and form that works. 

Details are Fundamental

A custom home build requires relentless attention to the finest of minutia. The “difference is in the details” is oft coined phrase because the reality is that as far as differentiation goes, those with a keen eye on the details lead whereas others follow. 

We pride ourselves on unmatched attention to detail.

Picture It

We have helped countless families turn the images in their minds’ eyes to reality. Imagery is a springboard for inspiration. We are not suggesting a new Pinterest board by any means. What we are suggesting is that we take a few moments to explore all the possibilities, roll up the proverbial sleeves, dig in, and set out to create your dream home. 

Let us know your thoughts. 

We hope you take a few moments to peruse our portfolio, read about our processes, perhaps learn about the members of our team, and when you are ready, take a few moments to reach out to us so that we can meet and learn more about your wants in a Custom Home Build.

View Our Portfolio

Read Our Process

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Let's Meet

Ready to build your dream home but not sure where to start?

We’ll help you answer your questions.

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