2020 Artisan Home Tour

Aug 27, 2020  |   Stonewood & Revision

Our Artisan Home Tour Home

Fall is just around the corner and that means it is time to get out, enjoy the fresh-air, and tour some beautiful homes – The Artisan Home Tour is just around the corner.


We are very excited about our entrant in this year’s tour. A Whole-Home Remodel, this home has countless features and design-aesthetics you are sure to love.

Here is an artist’s rendition of the remodel we are completing.


Although this home not complete, you can certainly get a sense of scale, the architectural lines, and some of the details that are going into the home in the following video.

Take a quick look at the aerial view, taken just a day or so prior to writing this post, showcasing the exterior progress.

Considering a Partial or a Whole-Home Remodel?

Or perhaps an addition? Kitchen Face-lift? We would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us on our contact page or send us a message below.

As always, feel free to share this post if know someone will enjoy it!

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